Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

Click on the link.

Our family has decided due to economic times but mostly due to the invasion of the celebration of Christ arrival to refocus on how we spend our $ and time at Christmas time. Our family normally does gift exchanges and it might be looked down upon that we will not be buying exactly what was on the Christmas list but instead finding a way to spend time with them, making a gift, or donating in their name. if you haven't already bought all your gifts for Christmas, I challenge you to watch this and make a decision for yourselves on how you might be able to do Christmas differently.

www.adventconspiracy.org If for some reason this link doesn't work type in advent conspiracy to google and it should be the first listing offered.


Anonymous said...

I'd love someone to buy a goat in my name for a program in Sudan run by the Mueller's
I have a vision of Christmas Eve being a great evening, going to service, eating wonderful food that everyone has prepared and opening one gift!

Mary from the Prairie said...

Just in the past couple of weeks I was looking at the Christmas season as a chore, something to get through, and honestly thinking if hearing the same stories about the Baby would really mean anything.

It seems that to me, Christmas has never really tugged at my heart the way that God intends for it to do (with one exception ... go to my blog archive - December 2006 - Christmas Stirrings.)

I'm going to be part of the Conspiracy this year. Not sure how yet, but God will lead me!

(btw, Jen, this is "synchronicity" ... coming soon to a blog post near you)