Friday, May 22, 2009

Horse Tail Trail

Today we spent our beautiful day outside on a hike w/ the Fudge family and 2 out 3 of the Wilson family. Such a nice easy hike w/ all 6 kids. Yep! SIX kids on this hike w/ 5 parents. However, Rach did carry Josiah on her back, along w/ Aaron carrying Ruthie... but still everyone made it. The waterfall that we hiked to today was one that you can walk behind. So fun ! It really is great to see the kids enjoy nature. They find slugs, and point out different types of trees, and come up w/ fun tunes for the walk. Even discovering how to deal w/ the potty issue when outside. Zeke, who hates the idea of going potty any where other than his pants, became thrilled at the idea of learning to pee outside his pants today. Greg's plan is to go out tomorrow by himself and try to get some nice shots w/ out the glare from the sun. Can't wait to see what he discovers.

Kids and I will be hanging out in the courtyard and getting ready to attend a birthday party at a park. So, we are still outside... just a little more easy going.


Anonymous said...

Yay for peeing outside! I'm sure that Zeke will thank you guys for posting that picture on the internet when he's older. hee hee. I need to make sure Nathaniel doesn't see that picture so he doesn't get any ideas at the playground!

Anonymous said...

when you gotta go, you gotta go!