Well we are back from Kenya and our travels down south. I will one day, hopefully soon, sit down and write about those wonderful travels. However, right now I am going to think about my daughter.
Makayla Joy Weaver turned 5 this morning. It is so hard to believe that this beautiful strong little girl once entered this world only weighing 4 lbs and 13 ounces. She arrived 4 weeks earlier than the doctors or I had anticipated. But my oh my! What a beautiful girl was and is. I am continually amazed at what she is learning and striving to learn. And yet, if I am to be honest, I am truly amazed at what she has taught me. I am a better person for having her. So here is my short list of things I love to do with my daughter... trust me the list is longer but these are my most favorite moments:
1) Listening to her read... LOVE it
2) watching her show compassion to those that are hurting
3) baking with her... so many great conversations while we bake... wouldn't change that for the world
4) Painting our nails... she would do this everyday if I would let her... but since her mom isn't very girly we do as our "special date"
5) sitting on the top of her bunk bed and listening to whatever she wants to share
6) making up silly stories... and helping her discover new ways of telling stories
7) listening to her play pretend and hearing her say to a friend I want to be a mom when I grow up what do you want to do?
8) And my all time favorite... hearing her pray for friends and their unborn babies. Praying for people that she misses. Asking God to take care of people she hardly even knows.
And as I said the list goes on. I am so blessed to have BOTH my kids but today I stop to remember when God allowed me the privilege to become a mom. I am looking forward to this next year and falling more in love with this beautiful child that God is molding.