Monday, August 18, 2008

Ask... and Celebrate

So we have offically been living in Portland for two weeks today. And guess what? Mak is at her first sleepover in the PNW. I don't know why that surprises me. God has graciously given Makayla a little girl named Vanessa, who is 5 years old, to befriend. Vanessa loves to play rough outside and yet loves to play dress up and be fancy. Mak told me tonight, after I said I worked out the details with the mom, that she was so happy that God gave her a friend to have fun with up here...because she missed Eli and Vivi. Which of course put tears in my eyes. I'm a little emotional these days. I've been going through the book study of Daniel by Beth Moore. The focus today was how Daniel prayed desperately for the Lord to reveal the Kings' dream. And when the Lord did, Daniel immediately responded to God that the insight and answers came from God alone. That God grates us wisdom and power. He gives and takes away. God answers our prayers. Daniel remembered that and celebrated in the fact that God chose to reveal the answer to Daniel. (His neck WAS on the line-- literally). But the thought from Moore was how often we pray intently for God to reveal/answer us and then when He does, we have almost lost interest in the subject because we have already gone onto another desire to pray for. We don't take time to celebrate in His answers. I was convicted today. And then later convicted again when my child recognized that it was God who gave her a new friend. And that it was God who knew she was missing her best buds back in Cali. And when she realized that she had something special she did not wait to thank Him and to acknowledge Him. Oh, how children put me on my knees. I am humbled by their faith and their trust in the Lord. Just to note, I'm the first to acknowledge that my children are not perfect-- I mean look at their mom! But those moments when you see God's grace in their life and His work molding their character--- it causes me to celebrate God.

So take some time to celebrate today!!!


Anonymous said...

How have you been doing? I'm glad that Mak found a friend right away. Have you settled in much? We miss you. Nathaniel prays for you guys often (and so do I, but Nathaniel is more verbal about it).

Mary from the Prairie said...

Hey Jen,
Good to hear that you and the family are settling in.

I was intrigued by what you said about "often we pray intently for God to reveal/answer us and then when He does, we have almost lost interest in the subject because we have already gone to another desire to pray for. We don't take the time to celebrate in His answers."

My pastor and I take turns picking topics to blog on each week, and this week we're going to expand on "Celebrating in God's answers".

He usually posts by Thursday afternoon, and mine is usually on the weekend. His site is
and mine is, or

Both should be up by Sunday night, 8/31. Thanks for sharing with us!

Unknown said...

I was going through my e-mails and found your blog address. I'm happy I'm able to check up on you this way! I am so glad that Mak found a special friend. That old song from Girl Scouts is singing in my head: "Make new friends and keep the old. One is silver and the other's gold."